Magdalen College School, Oxford (MCS) was founded over 500 years ago as one of the earliest grammar schools, and its ethos – to provide an exceptional education to the brightest children, whatever their personal circumstances – remains core to its mission today.
Approximately 10% of Senior School pupils receive financial help with school fees and the school’s commitment to widening access extends far beyond its own walls.
Creating an environment in which Oxford talent can continue to flourish is vital. With this in mind, the school is excited to present its proposals for a new Science, Partnerships & Library Building.
Located on the existing footprint, the new building will provide state-of-the-art facilities to support a forward-looking curriculum and emerging areas of science, as well as a fully-equipped Partnerships Lab to strengthen the school’s network of community links – which lies at the heart of its strategy for the future.
Built in 1959, for half the current number of pupils, the school’s science block was not designed to teach subjects such as computer science and robotics which have emerged since the laboratories were constructed.
The rationale is two-fold:
The school is not seeking to expand, and the proposals will not lead to more pupils, nor a larger school site.
The proposals are available for review and comment
between Tuesday 11th – Sunday 30th March 2025.
Information on the proposals can be downloaded below
or viewed at a consultation event at the school: Magdalen
College School, Cowley Place, Oxford, OX4 1DZ on the
following dates:
Wed 26th March 17:30-19:30
Thurs 27th March 09:30-11:30
If you would like to submit feedback on the proposals, you can do so by using the link below.
All images shown of the proposals are indicative.